Author Archives: Richard Graham

Fukuoka Entrepreneurs

Now today was a cool today! I attended a “power lunch” organised by the Foreign Entrepreneur Promotion Committee. It was really great to mix with such positive people. Entrepreneurs are always so full of energy and motivation, basically because if they’re not, they don’t eat! It’s amazing all the things that foreign businesses are doing…

Picture cards into the Owners Club

Today I moved the picture cards into the owners club area of the site. The reason being greedy teachers who keep asking for more free stuff, but refuse to support the site by buying anything! I originally put the stuff free on the site so that teachers in countries who can’t afford materials have access…

Big monitor, Half a gig keitai

Today was a shopping day! First up was a new memory card for my phone. It is just crazy that you can now get half a gig storage on a phone!! And as the card was a lot cheaper than an ipod, it’s great for listening to music – cool! Then the next step was…


I did a load of recording today, then when I came to mix it it just didn’t sound right… hmmm… then I twigged that I’d recorded them on the wrong settings! Oh well, never mind.

Down by the beach…

I needed a day off today!! And it is just gorgeous weather, so went down to the beach in momochi. That’s just fantastic, I wish it could be like this all year round! Then out in the evening to watch “Troy” which was pretty good.

discussion boards & keikaiwa

I’m in two minds about discussion boards. You have things like the where every single post is just somebody complaining about something!! It’s always been the case with the net that people who have time to complain do, whereas most people who are getting on with things don’t have time to post so much….