Author Archives: Richard Graham

Lots of coffee

I wasn’t too genki in the morning, so went off to work in the local Royal Host restaurant. The best thing is that they have an “all you can drink” drink bar. So after a dozen or so coffees I was going head on with a load of new stuff! Great!

Larry King and CDs

I managed to catch the Larry King show this morning. That is such a great show. The people on there are such an inspiration, with all the stuff they’ve done and the people they’ve met. Everyone looks about 30, but most of them are over 70! And they all say the same thing, whatever you…

DVD’s no good!

Got bit of a surprise phonecall this morning from one of the big bookstores saying that the quality of the DVD isn’t good enough! Bit of a shock that. It’s never nice to be told something’s not good, but as a businessman I have to listen to what people say, and as Seth Godin (…

Deleted it all

Did quite a bit of recording and stuff today. Then trashed it all as it wasn’t genki enough! I can’t put the name “Genki English” on something that isn’t 100% perfect. Oh well, there’s always tomorrow!

Just do it!

Right, after yesterday not getting anything done, today I just said “Get some work done!!”. So after 3 or 4 hours of emails and admin stuff I was on a bit of a roll and pushed on to producing the mini lessons for the phonics CD. I’ve got so many ideas floating in my head…

Getting rid of..

If there was one thing to get rid of that would make this World a better place it would be procrastination! I spent all day doing stuff today, but got absolutely nothing to show for it! Hmmm… gotta get some genkiness back!