Author Archives: Richard Graham

Chugakkou gets funky

Today’s was my day off, so me and my girlfriend drove up to Yamaguchi. That was pretty cool. One of the best things about driving around is that I get to listen to lots of music, and being me I spend all my time pulling it apart, seeing how it ticks and learning new stuff….

Fukuoka ACET and Lots and Lots of internet work

Today was the meeting of one of the best groups of teachers in the country, ACET in Fukuoka. They are just such a great bunch of people, and I figured I’d just pop along to see a teaching workshop from the teachers’ side of things! And it was really great, I got a ton of…


Things have certainly changed in 7 years. When I first arrived people went mad over an English bar of chocolate. Now in Fukuoka they have a Costco, and it’s identical to the one in Leeds!!! It was fantastic. And of course the best thing about Costco is the cookies (yep, even in England we call…

Down by the river

For the first time in a while I didn’t need all my music gear today. I was doing the inlay card for the Phonics CD, so took my computer to the Seattle’s Best down by the river in Nakasu. That is so nice, and it’s so much easier to work there! And in my break…

Down to work and

Right, I’m completely on my own for the next 3 days so I can just blast on with a load of work and get tons of stuff done with no interruptions! With my jet lag I’m also in the strange position of waking up at 8AM and feeling sleepy at midnight, very strange! So after…

How to get fluent in Japanese

Went through the phonics songs this morning, they are sounding good! Then I checked the sites stats and noticed there was a massive jump in people using the site yesterday (like really massive!). It turns out it was mainly people interested in the site, which ranks really high in google – without me doing…