Author Archives: Richard Graham

Genki Pills on sale!

At 1 AM this morning I sent off a press release talking about the amazing new product I’d just released – “Genki Pills”. “Take just one and you’ll be Genki all week!” was the slogan. The thing is that people believed me!! It was put up on news sites and I even had some (very…

Updates and lots of mail

Again I take one day off and the next day it takes me till after lunchtime to catch up with my emails! Mind you I’m not complaining, I got some really interesting emails today from all over the place. On the last day of the month I also do my spring cleaning of the site…

a day off

Yesterday didn’t quite work out as planned as I spent most of the day doing admin stuff. Mrs Abe ( the lady who deals with our orders) took a ( very rare ) day of so I was in charge of the phones. That is actually quite good as the schools that ring are nearly…

a better day?

Ok, I’m actually writing this this morning, so this is how I want the day to turn out…. First I drink lots of coffee and whilst listening to MTV do all my mail and admin work ( already done this!). Hopefully it will be warm enough to work in a T-shirt and enjoy the nice…

I wish it were Friday…

Today was back to doing the Phonics songs. But…. I couldn’t get anything done!! It was back to sitting down, playing the keys, pressing the buttons but nothing came out!! What a contrast to Friday!!! Wow, it’s amazing the difference. I wonder if the cloudy weather had anything to do with it? So back to…


Today I popped into the set to produce a recording session for another CD project I have, this time to help junior high school kids. It’s not quite genki, but it is something that really, really helped me learning languages so it could be really good!