Author Archives: Richard Graham

If everyday could be like today!

Today was great, I got two songs written and recording, first time, first take. Fantastic!!! Great, oh just imagine if everyday went as well as today! So for the first time in ages I could relax in the evening knowing I’d done a great day’s work!


Now this is more like it!!! For the last 3 months I’ve been really struggling trying to come up with some cool productions for the new phonics CD, it’s gotta be genki, but credible, and it’s very difficult. But yesterday I got a new music computer and wow!!! This is so great, just playing around…

Music Computer!

Tried to do some music work in the morning, but it didn’t really work. The new software synths I have sound fantastic, but less like Genki English and more like Terminator 3! Not very useful. When I did get something going the computer crashed. Hmmm. In the afternoon I had a meeting with a teacher…


It’s amazing how much email builds up after only a couple of days. I also wrote the Japanese newsletter and my newspaper column, the final one of the year! There’s also a problem with the autoresponders for the orders. The latest thing is viruses hitting them with fake return addresses, which then triggers an order…

Computers – Argh!

After yesterday having my computer crash twice just as I was about to finish a recording project I went out today to buy a new computer. I figured it would be quite easy “Hello, what’s the best computer you have?”, “Here you go sir, how about this?”. But oh no! It is just so strange…

Furniture building day

It’s not half as exciting as last year, is it, this diary? The highlight of today was my new desk and posh chair arriving! Cool! It is so much nicer to work in a proper chair, rather than on the sofa. Right, now all my gear is set out properly, let’s get cracking on this…