Author Archives: Richard Graham

Backing Up

I’m on the road for the next 2 weeks, then I’m off to England so I had to backup all my data today – all 300Gb of it. I also started the design of the DVD cover, which I did until 4 AM when I got a bit tired.

O sumo

I got back last night at midnight and found out that my computer had crashed again. Argh!!! So I had no choice but to encode all the video files one at a time. There are over 20 and they take 45 minutes each. Hence I didn’t get much sleep as I set a file going,…

GE in another National TV Series!

Woke up this morning and the computer had crashed. Hmm. 12 hours wasted so I set it rendering again. And hence couldn’t do any work so went shopping. But some great news is that the Genki English materials will be featured in yet another national TV Drama series! Nice! This year our stuff was featured…

Editing and Wine

Spent the day preparing the DVD master, which took ages! Editing in all the chapter points for the videos is really fiddly, but it makes the DVD really user friendly (I wish I could do the website in the same way!) I finished in the evening so set the computer rendering (for 12 hours!) and…

Less like Star Wars

I found an amazing site on the internet today with videos for teaching elementary school English. I was quite amazed at how much they had managed to put on their website. It was all very well presented but the English was appalling (lots of “fine thank you, and you?”s). And it really got my thinking…

Amazing Card Game! + High Volume

There is now the amazing Genki English Card Game on the site!! Whilst my computer has been busy rendering video, I’ve been putting together this idea which I’ve been wanting to do for ages!! Your kids should love it, it’s a game I used to play as a kid and now it can be used…