Author Archives: Richard Graham

Nice weather

It was nice weather this weekend, and I didn’t really do too much work, just spent a lot of time around town. I did notice that there is a new “Elementary School” English programme out, but it’s not really suitable at all for elem school. And I wish people would stop using katakana, and also…


Last week as I was cleaning all of my stuff out of the Genki House and sold all my music gear, I also sold my big Yamaha sampler. To be honest it was pretty rubbish ( an A4000, way too slow and way to pricey at 120,000 yen!!), but it now means I’m without a…

On TV again

Just did normal computer work today, working on new projects and things. I also heard that this time the worksheets had been featured on Tuesday nights TV series. That’s quite cool. I went into town to have a look to see if there had been any new computers been released since I was last here,…

Lots of stuff

I think I’ve got more work done in these past 3 days than I have in the last 3 weeks! I spent the morning doing some more stuff on the website and catching up with my emails. Then started work on a new audio CD project I’ve got going! This should be good. Then in…

Kids Workbook & Audio Quizzes

Over the past few weeks I’ve been going through my plans for Genki English for the coming year. One of the themes that keeps coming up from the bookstores and private teachers, is the need for a kids workbook. Personally I believe the songs and games are the main thing, but giving the parents something…

To Fukuoka and it’s freezing!!

One of the reasons I leave Japan in the Winter is because it is soooo cold. So last week I asked everyone, “What’s the weather like in Japan?” the answer was “It’s quite warm, you don’t need a coat”. Yeah, right!!!! It is flippin’ freezing!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe how cold it is in Kyushu!!! All…