Author Archives: Richard Graham

less beer next time…

OK, the Nara JETs rock too much, I was feeling decidedly ill this morning. But still had work to do, so put on my best genki smile to talk to the national press about the DVD release. And seeing as I was in Nara, decided to take a 20 minute break and have a look…

Nara ALT Meeting!

Today was another JET day, doing a presentation sponsored by the Nara Prefectural Board of Education and the Ministry of Education. They had Kip Cates doing the morning seminar and he was great as usual, taking about World issues. It was great to hear the JETs saying “yeah, after his speech last time I really…

Press Day!

Spent the day sending out the press release of the DVD and making the DVD pages on the website live! It’s official, the DVD is now available to order!! It’s been a lot of hard work, but if it makes Japanese kids genki and positive about the World, it’s worth it!

Get ready for the press!

We’re staying in one of the cheapest hotels in town ( 5,000 yen a night at the “Superhotel” ) whilst at the same time we’re going to be giving away 1,000 copies of the DVD to elementary schools. We must be mad. So to publicise the fact we’re sending out press releases, so today was…

Travel to Nara

I had a lot of work to do today but didn’t get too much done as we had to take all the trains down to Nara. I did get the DVD print back (the design that is on the actual disc itself) and wow it looks very cool!