Author Archives: Richard Graham

Dodgy mail and animes

Got hit again by a ton of spam emails, and as usual Yahoo responded by closing down my mail account. This is silly. Last week I did set up another hosting system with another company but I haven’t been able to get the discussion board moved across yet nor the ordering system, and with the…


I did more work today than I’ve done in ages! Wha hey! After yesterday and not getting anything done I wasn’t feeling too good, but today I feel very, very tired but very, very happy that I managed to get so much done. I was worried earlier about the teaching segments of the DVD as…

Cold again!

Why is it that every Friday I seem to get a cold?? Luckily they’re nearly always gone by Saturday. So as I couldn’t do with looking at the computer screen too much I didn’t get much work done. So I read Harry Potter (on my mobile) – it is actually really good!! I also asked…

Comics & DVD

Spent a fair bit of time trying to make the animations from yesterday look a lot more comical and less serious, and it actually worked quite well. With all the CG stuff and cool music I have at the moment it would be very easy to make this into a Star Wars type “serious” thing,…

Too violent and paying Yahoo

I did the GenkiEnglish Man fighting scenes today. But the thing is that when I came to have a look at the final cuts it looks like some people may think it’s too violent! It’s not really, and there’s certainly no blood or gore in there, but it is aimed at elementary school kids and…

Normal Stuff

I went through the main edits of the teaching parts of the three themes on the DVD today. They do look really good and I don’t think I need any reshoots. The only problem that if teachers just play the DVD without getting the kids to join in then it could seem a bit boring….