Author Archives: Richard Graham

Nellie’s in Nagoya

It seems quite fitting that I began this year in the Hamilton Hotel in Nagoya (a great place and not too pricey) and now with just one week to go, I’m back. Today we had a presentation for Nellie’s Bookstore. It was also very interesting to see other presenters stealing out jokes…hmmm. Our presentation was…

Kids Show, Nice Lunch & Washing

This morning we had a kids show. Needless to say I wasn’t very genki! But “genki is as genki does” so for that hour I forced myself to be genki! The kids were great though, and there were so many of them, news of this weeks shows had certainly spread. But then afterwards, and I…

Very formal and partying till 3 AM

Today was the reason we were invited to KitaIbaraki, to give a Genki speech to all the teachers in the city – hundreds of them! The place was very posh and about as formal as you can imagine (i.e. as it’s Japan, very formal). All the teachers, Head Teachers and PTA heads were there, as…

Schools, Sushi & Negotiations

Had a show in the morning, quite good. It took a long time to get the kids going, but once they did it was fine. Actually they were good, I guess I’m just judging them from the shows we’ve had recently where the kids are just fantastic!! You can really tell the difference between a…

Starbucks and Party in Ibaraki

Spent the morning preparing the DVD inlay again, in our Shinjuku office i.e. the Starbucks. Oh I love Gingerbread lattes! Then a 3 hour train up to Kita Ibaraki Shi. I got a lot of audio work done on the train, then we met our host for the next three days. She had prepared a…

Off to Tokyo

Bed at 4AM, up at 6AM – I need to take a break from Japan!! Mind you for all the moaning I might do and however tired I might be, I had a look around at all the people on the subway in their suits and ties and felt really grateful that I’m my own…