Author Archives: Richard Graham

Making video fun

Today was full time doing the Genki English DVD, and it is pretty hard going! I’ve done the teaching bits sooo many times, but actually getting them down on video is a big challenge as it has to look good, sound good, be fun on the first viewing but also make you want to watch…

Back to work

The plan for the next two weeks is to get the DVD finished and out of the way – it’s taking too long! But with being without email for 3 days last week it took me nearly all day to catch up with my replies and maintenance of the site and other stuff! But now…

Day off at the Hard Rock

I didn’t touch my computer once all day!!! Yeah!! It was also great weather, perfect for sitting outside at the Hard Rock cafe.

3 hours of Genki English

Today was a 3 hour seminar for the teachers in Geihoku town. The great thing was that many of them had attended the workshop on doing a 45 minute lesson on Thursday, they’d all seen the kids show and most of them attended the adult show last night, so with all the theory out of…

A load of schools!

Today’s schedule, 3 school shows and then a “otona demo dekiru” (“Even adults can get good!”) lecture in the evening!! Pretty busy! The schools in the morning were great (after I’d rewired up the sound system). We even got some special Macha tea before lunch. And we were also in the paper again. But this…

This is the life!

Big or small, the deal is that for public elementary schools we’ll visit any of them! So today we had 2 schools with a combined size of less than 40 kids!! Between them. But they were good. The first school bounded through the songs and were really great. They couldn’t actually speak any English, but…