Author Archives: Richard Graham

Shinkansen to Okayama

I wasn’t Genki to say the least this morning. The bad weather didn’t help. Yesterday’s kindergarten teacher kindly gave me a lift to the station and after a gorgeous gingerbread Starbucks I got on the 5 hour Shinkansen to Okayama. I didn’t feel like working (just looking at the computer screen made my eyes water)…

Kindergarten Consult & Cold

Today was a bit different. We’d been asked to help out with a kindergarten that is designing an immersion programme. They have a good core curriculum established but are wanting some extra ideas to flesh things out. Although I studied English learning for very little kids for the Kids English series, and spent 3 years…

Christmas Decorations and Tochigi

It’s cold and wet! We have to be in Tochigi tonight, but for now I had to get my backlog of mail sorted out (the servers have only just settled down). It was also really nice to get so many complementary emails, it really helps make up for the rain when so many people write…

Shizuoka Pilot School

In every prefecture in Japan there is at least one pilot school doing a 3 year research project into Elementary School English. And today we were invited to the Shizuoka school, located right at the base of Mt Fuji. But it was cloudy so we couldn’t see the mountain. First off we did a show…

Nellie’s Bookfair

Nellie’s is a large bookstore in Tokyo that specialises in English Language Teaching materials. They’re well worth looking up if you’re looking for some new materials. Anyway, they invited us to take part in their Autumn tour, and today was the first day in Tokyo. Set up time was 7:30, far too early!! At 9…

Off to Tokyo

Spent the day tidying up, backing up computer data and flying up to Tokyo.