Author Archives: Richard Graham


Oh I’m fed up with problems with the web servers!! I’ve spent just about all of this week faffing around with the new web host, rather than getting work done on the DVD, which is now well behind schedule. The new web servers just have so many little problems, it’s ridiculous! I was thinking of…

Eating Live Octopus!

Today I had a meeting and the food was a little interesting to say the least, basically because everything was alive. They set up a BBQ on the table and brought out a massive platter of crawling, moving live shell fish!! I had never seen anything like it. The jumbo prawns were fighting each other…

Backing up the Discussion Board

Well I think I got precisely zero productive work done today! First off I spent hours and hours trying to install the discussion board on the new server. It just refused to work!! But there are a load of really good posts on there so in the end I just bit the bullet and updated…

More DVD stuff and extras for the site

Did some quick reshoots today and spent a lot of time recording the voice parts for the animations I did last night (recording at 4 AM probably isn’t the best thing with neighbours living as close as they do in Japan!). I also found out a really cool new shopping cart system, which could be…

Dodgy mail and animes

Got hit again by a ton of spam emails, and as usual Yahoo responded by closing down my mail account. This is silly. Last week I did set up another hosting system with another company but I haven’t been able to get the discussion board moved across yet nor the ordering system, and with the…


I did more work today than I’ve done in ages! Wha hey! After yesterday and not getting anything done I wasn’t feeling too good, but today I feel very, very tired but very, very happy that I managed to get so much done. I was worried earlier about the teaching segments of the DVD as…