Author Archives: Richard Graham

Off to Hiroshima

Having slept most of the day yesterday I actually woke up very early today! I checked through the accounts, added some new readers’ games to the site and did a bit of video testing. Then on the ferry to Hiroshima, and a very nice drive through the mountains to Geihoku Cho. It’s cold, but still…

Tired and meeting

Got up at 8AM. Checked my mail. Couldn’t see for tears streaming down my face so went back to bed. It’s not fun having a cold and being in the Genki House was making my asthma bad. Not a fun day. Then in the evening a big meeting to plan out all the future projects…

The first day of Winter

And here it is, it’s now freezing season!!!! It was sooo cold today – I had to get my long trousers and jumpers out! I wish it could be warm for the other 6 months of the year as well…. Spent the day doing prep work and being full of cold! Bring back Summer….

New phone + cool CDs + last day of Summer

I only get my snail mail once in a blew moon and it’s mostly bills. But this time was cool as I also got my new mobile phone and some great music CDs to use on the DVDs. These should certainly spice things up a bit! I also spent a lot of the time setting…

Nice drive back to Shikoku

Had a quite relaxing morning, a nice lunch and a nice drive back to Ehime. Driving through the mountains and then island hopping across the Shimanami Kaido is just amazing, some of the best scenery in the World – if only Japan could have this weather all year round! Then a quick call in to…

School and nice Friday night

Today’s show wasn’t till the afternoon – great! So I got a bit of time to catch up with a bit of sleep, and write an article about teaching 6th graders. The very Genki ALT in town, Tori, has been doing a great with the kids and in 45 minutes they pretty much nailed all…