Author Archives: Richard Graham

Show in Osaka

It’s funny that we don’t have much Genki English presence in Osaka, we did a couple of OUP shows here and a presentation for Nakata Ritsuko’s AETC a while back but no schools have ever invited us! So today we had a private show and a teachers seminar. The show was OK, there were a…

Take it back and ALT party!

So I only got my computer yesterday but had to take it back today as it wouldn’t work with my hard drives (not enough USB power). The thing is there is nothing they can do about it! Major annoying! The only choice I have is to plug the drives into an AC outlet – but…

It’s here!

My computer arrived this morning – yeah!!! But we had another filming session planned for the afternoon so I didn’t get to use it for a while. But then in the evening I started the mammoth task of transferring all my files and info across from the old computer. But I also found out that…

Tamagawa & another computer

This afternoon I went back to Tamagawa to see how my successors’ successor was getting on. She seems to be doing quite fine and the teachers and kids are really happy with her lessons – cool! Mind you it is a bit of a shock, this is my old school but in the last 3…

Accounts and new computer

First off today was getting all the accounts and receipts and stuff out of the way for August – we spent a fortune on travel expenses, but we also had some really good events so things should probably work out OK. Then I went to the computer store and spent 2 hours checking out the…


Today we were very kindly loaned a room in the prefectural center and after setting up a load of green screens (so it looked like the set from Star Wars), we began filming the material for the DVD. I did a lot of the first 3 themes (there will be 3 or 4 themes per…