Author Archives: Richard Graham

The 3 Types Of Students: Which Are You Attracting?

  There are three main types of students and which one you set out to attract really determines how happy you are as a teacher and also your teaching income. A mismatched type will drive you crazy. Β  A perfectly matched type will leave you feeling fulfilled. The three types are …… Passion Don’t confuse…

πŸ’Ή What’s working right now for Social Media ( from Ryan Tedder of One Republic)

I just finished a 30 day songwriting course with the producer and lead singer of One Republic (“Counting Stars” & currently in the charts with “Run, Run, Run”) It was an amazing experience! Β  Most of the course was about songwriting and music producing, naturally. However there was also a very cool section on what…

🌟 Top Fan Coaching with Teachers! Part 1

If you’d like to see me chat with real teachers and hopefully help with ideas & suggestions, check out this month’s Top Fan Coaching Video! Thank you everyone for amazing questions! Here is just some of what we covered. How to start your very first lessons How Laure got her first 10 students Why fast…

❓ Top Fan Questions Part 2!

Thank you everyone for the amazing calls last week! Β  I didn’t get to answer everyone’s text questions so I did a special session and answered them today: Here’s some of what we covered ( feel free to scroll through the video to find the question you’re interested in!) Phonics for kids who already know…

πŸ—Ό The Tumbling Towers Game: Online/Socially Distant Edition!

One of my favorite games in kindergarten was the Tower Game: You ask the kids either today’s questionΒ or a review question or whatever you want to practice. The first kid to answer correctly gets to come to the front and puts a brick on the tower! They then ask a question to the group and…

πŸ“ How I take notes: The pros & cons of analogue vs. digital

With all the learning that I do it would be impossible to keep track of it all without some form of note taking. For example right now I’m taking a course on orchestration, Β another music production course (even after selling millions of dollars of CDs I’m still learning), Β Italian language Β (because as a language teachers…