Author Archives: Richard Graham

❀️ Are fun little things like this worth doing more of?

One of the cool things with all the tech changes this month is that I can now bring back some of the fun little talking pages I made before, except this time they work on iPhones & iPads! Β (And Macs, but not PC just yet!) From a language learning point of view I think they’re…

❀ Genki Valentine’s 2021!

Thanks to Frederic and several others asking for a Valentine’s song ….. here you go! Check out the song in action with Frederic’s amazing students – look how even the younger and older kids are getting into it! 2021 Update: We launched this lesson last year and it was a HUGE success! Β For this year,…

πŸŽ’ Flash Updates on Windows & Macs for Genki English!

As you may have noticed Adobe have completed their retirement of their “Flash Player” this week. So you can now safely delete it from your computer. On Windows …Β  So for Genki English on Windows, just click the “1 Start here.exe” file to get your menu up and running with all the lessons in curriculum…

❄️ Winter Clothes & Winter Sports

It’s a bit chilly outside! So what better time to do the Winter Sports lesson (song + game + worksheets etc.!) Or the Winter Clothes Lesson: Ninja Tip: Β Notice how the song demo on the Winter Clothes page works on iPhones now! Β Is that useful to you?   Or indeed, some body parts with building…

How To Get 43 Million Views + More Likes & Subscribers on Youtube!

🍿 43 Million Views & 73,000 subscribers. That’s my Youtube count to date. Β (My main channel is here.) Neil just asked over in the Genki Business group for some tips on how to grow your Youtube Channel for language teachers. I just wrote up everything I’ve learnt (including from invitations to Youtube in Tokyo &…

BBC: Language learning is booming during the pandemic!

Optimists live longer, earn more and students who have optimistic teachers learn more. So in that spirit, over the past year I’ve been sharing stories in the Genki Business group of industries that have been booming during the pandemic. It certainly isn’t all doom and gloom. From breakfast cereals to pet food, from yarn spinning…