Author Archives: Richard Graham

If you want even better results …

Sometimes humans have to slow down a touch, to make things understandable. Β But if we go too slow we lose momentum. A prime example is trying to learn English in just one hour per week. All the research (admittedly on non-Genki English teaching) shows once a week doesn’t work. It’s just far too slow to…

I didn’t start out teaching 1,000 kids at once, but it’s a HUGE opportunity for you!

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by πŸ”₯TEDx Speaker Richard Graham @ Genki English! (@genki_richard_graham)   I didn’t start out teaching 1,000 kids at once. I started with 30, making lots of mistakes and asking for lots of help! Then we put 2 classes together to make 60. Then 3 for…

Don’t make this mistake as a language teacher!

When you learn a language using songs (which is the best way by far to do it!) then it’s not about the listening. It’s when you starting *singing* the song that the magic happens! (92,000 Taylor Swift fans can’t be wrong πŸ™‚ ) So that’s why we have songs for every lesson in the Genki…

πŸ₯‡ The BEST first lesson of the year ( for newbies & returners!)

Hello, You’ve got to create a GREAT first impression, you don’t get a second chance! So these are my top tips for the very first lesson of the year ….   1. For brand new beginner students (where you have control of what to teach)Β  Just start withΒ lesson 1. Β  The beginning is always the…

September lesson planning? Be sure you don’t do this!

I hope September is off to a great start for you! Just something to keep in mind for your lessons this year… …. make sure the kids are sitting down as little as possible and moving around (which gets the blood flow to the brain going as well as keeping them fit!) as much as…

Want Fluent Students? It’s Easier Than You Think.

Fluency boils down to just two steps: Input Output 1. Input: The magic starts at home. Your mission: Ask students to learn eight new words and one powerful question before their next lesson. Here’s the trick: It must be interactive. Not just a video. Something they can click on, repeat, and absorb at their own…