Motivating High School students can sometimes be an uphill task. Β Movies, pop music & video games can all be great suggestions, but usually there...
Your Daily Dose of Genki English!
This is why we stand up to teachers, administrators or even parents who are stuck in the old way of teaching, and not learning. This is Β the reason G...
Wow, is this the first new song of this year? This time it’s a phonics song to practice the short “o” sound. I’m loving it, pl...
As you go through the Genki English curriculum, linking together sentences is one thing to always keep in mind. Β For example there is the and…....
Here’s another game from the ACET meeting last week, this time from Riki! 1. Get some adjective cards. 2. Get some animal cards. 3. Get the kids...
Most kids these days have no idea what they want to do. Β Motivation and careers advice isΒ severelyΒ lacking. So this is one technique from my motiva...