Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

I had an interesting email from a Genki English reader in Iraq this week. He’s been producing “Word Flowers”, which look like they c...

It’s my birthday tomorrow, so we all went out tonight. There were also a lot of Spanish people in town who had just arrived that afternoon in Le...

One other popular request on the “Wishlist” section of the forum and in emails has been Mini Cards for the Animals1 and Animals2 themes. S...

One topic of late has been how to fit Genki English into a longer, full time, multi year course of study. At the moment there are 40+ lessons on site ...

In the Germany workshop the other week I mentioned a little about TPR storytelling, and had a follow up question on the forum about what I thought of ...

One of the other recent requests on the forum has been for Black & White versions of the A4 picture cards. There are already black & white v...