Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

I know it sounds cheesy, but that’s really what I did today! The Lions Club in Fukuoka have got together a great bunch of teachers to go and tea...

Back to Fukuoka and time to catch up with a few teachers in the city. Over the last few months I’ve been really focussed on what Japanese elemen...

I’ve been invited back to do another set of workshops at the KOTESOL Young Learners conference in November ( details on the site when I get them...

Today was also a funny school. I was back in Fukuoka where the Board of Education basically decided to do English, but leaves it up to each school. So...

Today was an interesting school in that when I was looking through their curriculum, I wasn’t cringing every two minutes, there weren’t an...

Wow a day off! Which roughly translated means I spent till 2 PM catching up on my emails, then took the Shinkansen down to Aichi for a meeting with th...