Today was also a funny school. I was back in Fukuoka where the Board of Education basically decided to do English, but leaves it up to each school. So...
Your Daily Dose of Genki English!
Today was an interesting school in that when I was looking through their curriculum, I wasn’t cringing every two minutes, there weren’t an...
Today was a bit of an experiment! Instead of a free one hour workshop at the bookstore, today was a 6 hour workshop charged at 10,000 yen per person. ...
OK, that was one too many beers last night! Today I traveled over a thousand miles, from Oita in Kyushu, to Okayama then to Tokyo, and I must admit I ...
When I do the shows or workshops, as a trick to get the teachers, and kids, to speak louder I always say things like “Oh, but in Okayama yesterd...