Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

I do need to get back on the road! Seeing all the VE day celebrations and stuff really brought back the importance of what we do here, education is th...

I hope you had a nice Golden Week ( the big Japanese holiday of the year). Seeing as I was in Milan I popped across to Venice for a few days which was...

Like the past couple of days, work started at 7AM today, which thanks to jet lag isn’t too bad! Then everything was finished by lunchtime. Now i...

These last few weeks have been hectic to say the least! I’ve just spent the last few days in Ehime getting everything ready for the CD5 launch. ...

It’s taken a lot of work but CD5 is finally up on the site! Yeah! Today I uploaded the new lesson plans, picture cards ( all 100 of them!) and g...

This week has been quite good really, it’s nice and warm and on Monday I woke up and for the first time didn’t have to think about the new...