Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

I know I said I wouldn’t be updating the blog, but eventhough I haven’t been travelling anywhere I have been up to loads of stuff so figur...

I’m writing this on New Years Day, so “Happy New Year”! Now it’s time to look back on 2004 and see what’s in store for 2...

I head off to Europe tomorrow, so today was the usual mad running around and getting ready. I also got the final master CD from the factory to check, ...

Spent most of this time backing up all my data, there is so much of it! But the good thing is that whilst the computers are busy doing that I can̵...

This is such a great feeling, no workshops, no shows, no travelling and no deadlines!!!! Yeah!!!! It’s great, I’m free to do whatever I wa...

Today was the final day of the Nellie’s Bookstore and it was great to finish on a massively brilliant seminar! The teachers were mega genki and ...