Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

The only place in Japan my wireless internet doesn’t work is the mountains of Hiroshima! And it took my computer over night just to download the...

Today was up very early then an hour’s drive into the mountains of Hiroshima. In the morning after chatting to the teachers I got lots of comput...

I knew if I took one whole day to do work on CD3 then this morning all my other work would be too much! I have so many things to sort out! Arggh! Plus...

I’m working on the remix of CD3 to bring the software up to the level of CD2 & 4. The only thing is that I’m under a ton of pressure ...

It’s always bad weather on my day off! But that’s not too bad as this morning I still had a ton of work to do. But then in the afternoon I...

With my schedule filling up so much I now get schools ringing me on a Sunday morning following up mails they sent on Friday! And this morning was just...