If you haven’t picked up your vol.14 First Look VIP upgrade now is the time to do it! 🙂
And a HUGE thank you for all of you who did pick it up already!
Many of you have been loving the new vol. 14 songs but some have also had problems upgrading your Software Menu.

So …. rather than me spending hours and hours helping everyone with tech support, I’ve brought forward the release of Vol. 14, so what you can do is to buy your upgrade now, re-download your software with all the “first look” lessons already pre-installed and ready to go today!
And then I’ll send you the finalized vol. 14 materials when they are ready.
Does that sound good to you?
So if you already have vols 1 to 13, here is your upgrade link.
Pricing right now is just $49 for VIP members who have until vol. 13.
And there are also links for VIPS who need to also purchase vols 11, 12, 13 or more.
With the new Vol. 14 “First Look” themes you’ll get ….
… access to the three vol. 14 Christmas Songs:

* How many days till Christmas?
* What does Santa do?
* And the new 12 Genki Days of Christmas
Plus the new Ninja Level themes:

* Little Red Riding Hood Morning Routines
* Baby Monkey’s This is my Day.
* Goldilocks and the 3 Bears
* The Musicians of Bremen
* Little Red Riding Hood 2 – at Grandma’s House! 🙂
OK, I hope that helps everyone get especially the new Christmas songs ready for this year and I think you’ll love the Ninja themes too.
These are still technically “First look” themes so many more things to add, but they all have the words, computer game and song on there ready to use in class, and you’ll get the full mastered versions once they are finished!

Be genki,
P.S. This is for regular “one machine at a time” Teacher’s Set members, if you need to use it on several machines at once or to upgrade your school Site License, let me know 🙂
P.P.S. Let me know if you have questions in the comments!
P.P.P.S. If you don’t have the Amazing Teacher’s Set yet – order it this week and I’ll also include the new vol. 14 first look themes for you too! 🙂