I bought an iPod last night! And it’s great. I listen to a lot of music and recently I’ve really got into having mp3s on my phone. But with only half a gig of space and all the security stuff which makes it so slooooowww to transfer data across ( over an hour for 5 hours of music!!!), I finally decided to get an iPod! Yeah. ( I justified it as it saves up 40 gigs of portable hard drive space, which costs about the same!). And it’s pretty good, it’s sort of like having a computer mp3 player but one that does stuff when you press buttons, rather than waiting and making funny noises for 10 seconds first.

So that was cool, except…. when I went to make a cup of tea this morning, the iPod box had jumped off my desk and had attacked my poor laptop! Bits of plastic were all over the floor!!! Arghh! And without a computer I’m pretty stuck so I had to spend the rest of the day traipsing round the computer stores trying to find a new one! And getting info out sales people who have neither no idea of sales ( the idea is to find out what the customer needs and make them happy!!) or computers is no fun. However this all might have been fate as just today the new Autumn models were released! Thing is they aren’t much different and some machines have actually gone down in spec, you’d never figure that in Japan would you? But there were a couple of good ones, including a Sharp Mebius with a 64 bit processor, very nice! But it’s way too heavy and only has two hours of battery. Or a Panasonic which has 7 hours of battery (!), is very light but crashed when I tested it!! So the one I think I’ll get is the new NEC. The thing is it’s way bigger than my current laptop!!! But it does seem faster so I should get more work done ( good exercise I guess, carrying round a big machine). At the shop I had a look on the NEC website and they have the same model but a lot faster ( 2Ghz) for less money. So I think that’s where I’ll buy it. But as it’ll take a few days to get here, I also bought some super glue to try and fix up my poor old machine.

And I also had to buy a remote control and case for the iPod, all crafty marketing not including them in the box!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!