I hope things are going great this week!
We hear a lot about how mobile phones are bad for kids. But it’s not really the phones that’s the problem, it’s the social media that’s the real villain!
So kids definitely shouldn’t be on social media!
But for teachers there is a LOT of very useful stuff on there, from lesson ideas to videos of classes to games to all sorts of things
So I’ve taken it as my mission to try and make it more positive and more uplifting for great teachers like yourself.
This pattern has kind of evolved with a positive motivation quote each morning, followed by a quick video from the iPad Student Set – which for some reason gets thousands, or sometimes millions of views! – and then a full lesson of the day each day:

It’s on all my channels but instagram gets you the best effect, so do head over there, subscribe, like & share a few posts and let me know what else you’d love to see. I’ll keep this pattern going for a few more weeks until we break out the new Halloween stories in October!
Be genki,