Margit’s Master Teacher Course is Now Full

2019 Enrollment is now closed!

Congratulations to everyone who got in!

Margit came from Germany, started teaching in Japan, has taught thousands of students and now has a waiting list of people desperate to join her classes.  She also an incredibly strong record of helping not only the strongest but also helping the struggling students turn into real rockstars.

She has dealt with parents, with elementary schools, as well as setting up classes in her own home and now shares her experiences with you and shows you the techniques she has developed to overcome all the problems on your journey as a teacher.

It’s all online with video so you can learn at your pace from the chair you’re sitting in right now.

Here’s what you are going to learn! 

Module 1~First Steps

Stress Free Classroom set up, Starting right with Warm ups,  The English vs. Local Language balance with the “L+1” technique

Module 2~ The Teaching!

Classroom routines,  introducing a topic, you can fly! and the “dress up” technique

Module 3 ~ Goals, Expectations & Discipline

Module 4 ~ The Secrets of Amazing Shows!

The why, what, how of putting on amazing events, presentations and shows!

Module 5 ~ Dealing with parents

Getting them to love you as much as the kids do.

Module 6 ~ Video Letters and Live Skype projects

From virtual field trips to Antarctica to how to script live sessions between different countries Margit shows you how to ring the world into your classroom!


Here is what just one of the students form the previous time said:

Plus Bonus: Live sessions with Margit, Alumnis and a very special Bonus LIVE with Richard

The Main Deal – the Facebook Community

Plus you’ll also get access to Margit’s inner circle Facebook community. All the videos will be hosted here and you’ll be able to see and share comments from the other teachers in the course as well as be a part of one of the best worldwide teachers groups for making your own connection,  projects and live skype lessons with people from all over the world!

FAQs – We’ve had lots of questions about the course!

Q:  Who is Margit and where does she teach?

Margit was born and grew up in Germany and came to Japan at age 22 to make her mom’s wish come true: to  BE HAPPY!
Now she’s a mother herself and wishes from her heart that her kids BE HAPPY too.
Margit teaches in her own English school and also in local elementary schools.  As an educator her main aim is to fulfill this big dream of most parents for their kids to be happy too.    You can see lots more on her blog! 

Q:  I’m really interested in this course, but I’m not sure I’m ready for it yet!

Don’t worry, you can take it easy and at your own pace.  As long as you have things you want to improve then you will get there.    And this year Margit is going to do a special “Quick Start” beginners guide video to get you going. So even if you’re not confident, yet, you’ll be able to do all this.  One of Margit’s philosophies for teaching is that she really wants to help all students.  And this applies to her teacher students too.  If you have the passion to improve and are happy taking small baby steps forward each week then Margit will be there to help you.

Q: I’m really interested in this course, but I don’t think I need all the modules yet.

We structured the course so that even if you only need one or two modules right now,  they should provide more value than the price of the entire course.  Certainly I know teachers who have gotten so much out of even just the discipline and class set up modules.   Having said that, we find that most people love the beginning modules so much that they continue on with the other modules and end up loving those even more!  Certainly the “how to deal with the parents” module will save you so much stress – having the parents on board helps so much! – and the skype/video letters projects really do add a whole new zest and passion to your teaching! It’s like getting a facelift or rejuvenating massage treatment!

Q:  It’s a crazy time of year – I just don’t have the time!! 

Margit is going to include her time management tips into the live Facebook calls this year.  She’s a full time mum as well as a full time teacher and I am always amazed and how well she manages her time.  And how calmly she does it too!   So if you are suffering from time stress or mom-overload stress then I think you definitely need to join us for this course!

Q:  Money is tight, especially as I have a family to feed.

We get this too!  So the aim here is to make the course pay for itself as quickly as possible.  It’s probably also tax deductible.    Usually we offer this course for twice the price, so this year we’ve offered the VIP discount to everyone.  So hopefully with just a few new students you could end up increasing the amount of free money you have for your family.

At the end of the day though this is personal & professional training and if you’re not willing to invest in yourself, then who will?   Do you really want to be in the same situation next year as you are now?  Or do you want to make that vote of confidence in yourself, your finances and your family and learn all these new skills and techniques to take your teaching, and of course personal and financial life, to that place that makes you smile and makes you happy?   It only takes a few new students to cover the cost of the course and as it is professional training it is of course all tax deductible in most countries.  So you get not only a great course, you also reduce your tax bill! 🙂

Q:   I feel I can learn all this myself,  I don’t feel like I need a course.

No worries,  if that’s the case then you probably don’t need the course yet.  No hard feelings 🙂    We really want people who are ready to improve right now, not in six months or six years time.    We want people who have things in their teaching that they want fixed straight away and they are willing to put the work in now to get them sorted once and for all.   Yes, you could do it on your own, but just like your students come to you for lessons then it’s so much easier when you have a great teacher who’s been there and made all the mistakes for you 🙂     So just ask yourself,  if you could learn everything on your own, why haven’t you done so already?   If the answer is “I don’t need to, I’m happy with everything just as it is” then cool, no worries, that is totally fine and congratulations! 🙂  But if the answer is something like “I want to improve but I don’t really know how” or “I need someone to help me” then I promise you that you have found your new home with Margit and her amazing alumni students 🙂


If you have more questions, let us know and sign up below!

This isn’t a dry theory or academic course,  this is all real practical teaching with lots of examples and real “behind the scenes” video and footage of Margit’s classes and events.  Plus you’ll have access to Margit in the Facebook group to accompany you on this journey.

Normally a practice course like this could run to thousands of dollars,  plus you’d have to travel, get visas and hotels and food.

With this course you can do everything from the comfort of your own home, participate at the times of day that are best for you and still get the same amazing improvements to your teaching.


You can pay by credit card or paypal, the first welcome video is ready for you right now and we’ll start with the first modules next week!

2019 Enrollment is now closed!  Congratulations to everyone who got into the course!


Be genki,


P.S.   Just think what this is going to do to your teaching, knowing you have a superhero group behind you to support you all the way.   Or, just think about what it would be like if you didn’t join and had to figure your own way of dealing with the kids and discipline and parents and all the other stresses that come with teaching.


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!