Tried to do some music work in the morning, but it didn’t really work. The new software synths I have sound fantastic, but less like Genki English and more like Terminator 3! Not very useful. When I did get something going the computer crashed. Hmmm. In the afternoon I had a meeting with a teacher to get some feedback on the CDs. It mostly consisted of “That song is really good”, that’s always nice to hear. Then “that song is just rubbish”, which is also important to hear so I can fix any problems, “You know the one that goes, la la , la la” …… The only thing was that wasn’t a Genki English song!! So mostly good, with the exception of “What’s the weather like?” being too fast for 3 year olds ( the trick is to teach the acapella faster than the CD!). It was also interesting to hear that the owner of her school thought that the CDs were graded, CD 1 for the youngest, CD2 for the next year up etc. I think I’ll have to make it clearer on the site that that’s not the case, any of the songs are cool right from the beginning, they’re only grouped on the CDs by topic, not by age or level! Phonics songs were also requested…… I also mentioned I was needing to get a new computer “Well, as long as it’s not a Mac, anything’s OK”. Aha, the first bad word I’d heard about a mac! “Everyone says they’re so easy to use, but there are so many small things that are just so much easier to do on the PC but take for ever on the Mac”. Looks like I won’t be spending that 70 man then. I also popped into Best Denki, and the guy there said that even with a brand new computer there isn’t that much difference between that and my two year old one. So I decided to forget getting a computer and to make do with mine for the time being. So I decided to buy a new music computer (a fraction of the price), and it is just amazing!!!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!