Reader BBB put a comment on the forum the other day about the “Japanese stick” idea I mentioned in the last post. . The comment being that it’s not a good idea to use in places like Okinawa where the Japanese authorities used to use a similar technique to shame people for using their native language in real life!

It just goes to illustrate that any “punishment” type idea will always have some form of negative consequences.

But one other idea that can work in a very positive way is curiosity. Simply bring along a prop, doll or toy and sit it at the front of the class. Then ignore it! The kids will be totally curious near the end of the lesson and dying to know what it is. Even if you don’t use it in that lesson, as long as you occasionally do use the curiosity object, it will have a great effect. Plus if you tie in using the prop with a well behaved lesson it’s great positive reinforcement!

Richard Graham

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