New Zealand Earthquake

I’m sure most of you have seen and heard about the New Zealand earthquake earlier this week.

I’m sure many of you also know I’ve spent a lot of time over there this past yearย filmingย at schools and helping students to experience studying English in New Zealand.

When news first broke of the Christchurch earthquake our first action was to make sure that everyone who we’d sent to New Zealand through Genki English was safe and well. ย Thankfully they all were.

However I’m also sure you’ve heard the news about Kings Education.

Kings was just about the only school we didn’t film at inย Christchurchย last year. ย But I caught up with the Director, Brian, over a few beers at the ANZA conference in Melbourne a couple of months later. ย  He was a really top bloke, very on the ball and smart as anything. ย He was really into all the projects I was doing and we had a really long chat about the Youtube projects, how to best evaluate our students in India and even Genki Maths and science. ย  ย Like most school owners in NZ he was very passionate about education and I learnt a lot over those beers.

I guess living in Japanย diminishesย the impact of earthquakes a little. ย Whilst not “everyday” they happen often, and I’ve been in a few. ย It’s only when something like this happens that you remember how bad they can be.

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

3 Responses to “New Zealand Earthquake”

  1. Kylie

    Such sad news. Especially coming from Christchurch myself. You can never be prepared for a disaster like that. I feel so lucky that all my family are ok and i give my love to anyone that has lost a love one through this terrible event! Also to the people at Kings education. I saw an article in the New Zealand newspaper that mentioned Brian and his family, it defintely brings a tear to your eye!
    Kia kaha

  2. Lola

    I am so sorry…
    Too many bad things happening in our world… I hope everything changes soon. I send positive energies from Spain.

  3. Lines

    I’m sorry, It’s terrible and I thougt about you and your fimilly because on your hollydays you stayed playing with your nice on the beach in New Zealand (phonic lessons) I think…
    One Spanish teacher who was in a bilingual school died.

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