NHK Genki Programme No Go

Those of you who attended my Summer workshops might remember the “top secret” meetings I was having with one of the NHK (the Japanese equivalent of the BBC I guess) production companies about a Genki English TV series next year.

The plan was to have one of the weekly 20 minute shows for adults based around Genki English and lots of positive thinking.

Unfortunately I got word today that we didn’t make it all the way through so the programme has been put on hold!

This is a bit of a shame. Β But I still want to make a much bigger difference in Japan. So how can you help spread the word to keep up with the amazing growth we’ve been having overseas? Β Any ideas?

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

7 Responses to “NHK Genki Programme No Go”

  1. Margit

    Oh no! That IS a pity. Do you know what made them make this final decision?

    well, the best will be to get the stuff to schools. If there would be even one prefecture who could sample GE curriculum via Eigo Note, that would be a spark, I guess.

    In our prefecture I try to be at least the one school to do so, but I am worried about what the prefecture will decide us to do next year. I hope we can go on.

    Another thing I’ve been wondering: I know a few delegates from the prefecture. I’ve been doing some interpreting at dinner parties and since meeting in school and so on from time to time we always have little chats.
    Would this be a spot to start? If yes, how?

  2. Yumiko

    I feel the same way as Margit. I wonder what made them make the final decision. They thought GE wouldn’t appeal to adult learners??

    I admit NHK has great programs (some are not so good though). For example, adult learners like this kind of program, because they can feel they are “studying” English.

    And look at this!

    This is the weekly timetable of all the TV language programs they have. The titles which contain the symbol of “θ‹±” or “θ‹±θͺž” are programs for English learners. Yeah, they have many…
    So I guess they expected Richard to introduce very different method beside them. It’s a shame NHK didn’t understand GE’s unique approach. (Big sigh…)

    But the new Education minister is from Shiga where Margit lives! Isn’ο½”γ€€it a good sign, karma(I learned this word yesterday. Hope this is the right way to use it), or a chance? Let’s make it happen!

  3. richard

    The official word is that they were wanting to do a different project, not a new English programme.

    I think the main thing is that it was a tough sell! When I sat down with someone and did it they got really excited. But then we had to start all over again each time we moved up a level!

  4. Flossy

    What a shame, especially as I am sure you had some really good ideas for the show. TV is so popular with children and adults alike. I wonder if you should do some pilot shows on your YouTube channel? When they see how many hits you get, for the shows, they could change their minds?!?!

  5. nena

    Too bad! but look at the bright side…you’ll have more time for us!

  6. Mr. Arakawa

    ‘Can’t beat em’, join em’!’ That’s what I did! Just appeared on ‘PreKiso’ for the second time.
    NHK is like a very conservative institute…

  7. Man in Arakawa

    Seems like we knocked on that door before in the ‘Land of Empty Promises!’

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