Over in the Teacher Training Academy we’re getting to see so many amazing teaching ideas.
One of the great ones, broadcast LIVE from Italy, was this one from Kathy, the Mary Poppins Game. Β The target language is weather and you play it in a similar way to the Nemo game, but with one very cool twist π
1. Β Everyone walks round in a big circle and shouts out “What’s the weather like?”

2. Β One person shouts out one type of weather e.g. it’s sunny, it’s fine, it’s snowy. Β Anything except rainy!
3. Β Whilst still walking in the circle everyone repeats this answer aloud whilst doing the gesture.
4. Repeat from step 1.

5. Β But ….. if the weather is “It’s rainy!” Β the teacher pops open the umbrella and everyone has to rush underneath! π
6. Β Let a new person have the umbrella and start again.
Thanks Kathy, that’s very cool!
Do give it a try and let us know what you think in the comments!
Thank you Richard! I have so much fun every day with Genki English!
This game is a result of after “What’s the weather like?” creativity!
Wow, a brilliant idea! Genius things are often so simple. Thank you Kathy and Richard!
Very cool!!
I prepare torn up paper (snow) fans (wind) cotton wool (fog) torch (sun) and a BIG bucket of water for rain. Kids one by one have to draw a weather card, other kids shout out “what’s the weather like?”, and the kid has to say what’s on the card. He/she gets whatever the card says, fanned, covered in paper snow, torch shone all over them etc. If it says rainy (deliberately withheld for suspense) he/she will run away and get chased by the bucket monster. No kid has ever actually got a bucketful, but I deliperately splash myself and they love that ?? Sometimes I would sprinkle water by flicking wet fingers at them if they looked like they would be happy with that. (pre covid of course)