Virginie’s end of year play – with lots of videos!

Virginie has just done her end of year play and has taken lots of videos to give you inspiration!   Here we go ….

At last!

After 2 years of online projects, we can finally perform on stage!

As some of you know, I like telling a short story to link all of the songs and plays 😉 here you go:

Welcome to the show!

Let’s follow Baby Monkey!

This is my day: 


You’ve just watched Baby Monkey’s day. Not really surprising, is it?

But do you know his schedule at school? Let’s discover it:

Baby Monkey’s School

1 subject per day… super easy to prepare the schoolbag, isn’t it 😉

When we ask Baby Monkey about his favourite subject, the answer is PE, and when we ask him about his favourite sport… here is the answer:

What’s your favourite (summer) sport ?

Today is Wednesday, science day!

Today’s lesson was about Pets and of course, the science teacher asked Baby Monkey about his pets…

Do you have any pets?


Oh so many pets! And can you guess which is his favourite one? A spider! But this one loves playing hide and seek. So now, let’s try to find her !

(This song was performed by Virginie’s Ukrainian students who are learning Genki French!)

Où est l’araignée ? (French version of Where is the spider?)

When Baby Monkey was looking for his spider, he also looked by the window and at that moment, he saw his best friend, Aygo, running… He just had enough time to ask him « Where are you going? »

Where are you going?

In fact, Aygo was joining his mum who had finished her appointment early.

Let’s see why:

Sketch clocks, watches and calendars


That takes the cake! Selling clocks, watches and calendars and mistaking the date of an appointment… that deserves a song about time, doesn’t it?

What time is it?

Dinner time? Not yet! But we can already set the table!

Pirate’s cutlery

Ooh poor Baby Monkey! He hurt himself when he picked up the broken pieces of plates and glasses. So he had to go to the doctor. Now, he’s fine but when he was in the waiting room, he noticed something very strange:

Sketch at the doctors

Oh Mr Rich ran so fast that he arrived in the forest and saw a young girl entering into the 3 Bears’ house. Can you guess who she is? Goldilocks, of course!


Genki Goldilocks


I also like asking parents to take part to the show… And they never know when I’ll need them 😉

Genki Disco Warm Up – with parents!

I hope you enjoyed the show and got lots of inspiration!

All the lesson plans, gestures etc.  are on the VIP Lesson Plans page.

And all the songs, apart from the Pirates Cutlery (which is coming soon!) and the Genki French song, are all in the Teacher’s Set – as you can see, there’s a LOT in there! 



Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

One Response to “Virginie’s end of year play – with lots of videos!”

  1. Monica Trapletti

    Great stuff indeed! Energising and involving..must try it!

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