What’s the best thing in your life right now ?


Let me just ask you, what’s the best thing in your life right now?

Now, if you say your job or your teaching then AWESOME!

Just keep on doing what you’re doing.

You rock!

However …..

… if you feel yourself saying that other things in your life are so much better than your teaching,

or if you’re feeling that certain areas of your teaching just aren’t that great….

Maybe there are parts of class, or the materials or discipline or the students or whatever, that just aren’t going as they should be.

Then I want you to know that first of all I know just how you feel.

Because I used to be there too.

I used to have so many areas that I knew I had to learn.

I had to master.

But I just didn’t get round to it.

I’d be thinking “Dude, this is crazy!! What is happening here!!”

and I knew I had to change…..

…. but for whatever reason I just didn’t make it happen.

So that’s why I’ve been going on about deadlines and things disappearing this week.

Because that’s how we step up and make *massive* changes in our lives.

We decide that the way things are right now can’t go on.

And WON’T go on.

Now just imagine what it would feel like….

No more teaching headaches. No discipline issues. No scrambling on what to teach today.

Nor the thought of being shackled to a system or textbook you hate.

Imagine being free.

Imagine enjoying every class you do.

Imagine smiles and enjoyment.

Where you spend the day teaching and come out ENERGISED, feeling better than you have felt all year.

And now imagine being able to spend that new extra time with your family, stress-free, without having to worry or constantly think about class.

Would that be something that would interest you?

You know my aim for you is to make *amazing* teaching, not just “getting by” or “ok”, but truly amazing teaching where …

… you and your students love *every* second of it …

where wonderful lessons become your new daily “normal”.

I want amazing teaching to be like tying your shoe lace, where you don’t even have to think about it.

You are just *so* confident that you know class is going to be perfect every single time.

Imagine feeling so good after every lesson, with laughter and smiles.

Plus it goes without saying that you have amazing results keeping your bosses and students – and their parents – being totally blown away by how amazing you are.

It doesn’t matter if you “have to” teach a textbook or set materials,

I know I go on about how amazing it is to switch to my methods, but in reality you don’t have to. Once you learn the great teaching skills then you can make any course seem amazing for you and your students. ( Maybe not quite as good as mine, but hey, they’ll be pretty close 😉 )

And sure there’s a financial cost to this, no great gain comes without putting in the work and paying the price. Even a steep price is worth it when it brings you so much.

But just imagine what it would be like to get your *real* life back.

The one you used to *love* everyday.

To get your “mojo”, your energy, your passion back.

Where you are no longer stressed and you can go home and enjoy every second with your friends and family.

What would that be worth to you?

Even if you feel you “don’t have time” right now…

… it doesn’t matter. We’ve had single parents, parents of newborns, people juggling 3 jobs and even more going through this and coming out feeling they have all the time in the world right now.

It just takes one second to decide.

One instant where you say

“This is enough.

I *have* to get this mastered now. This has gone on long enough.

I want *all* of these areas of my life to be amazing, just like I deserve.”

That’s all it takes.

One choice to make this happen now.

Sure I’m going to give you a little pressure and tell you all this is going away tomorrow and that you have to decide to join us before tomorrow evening.

But you know right now that this is the time to do this.

It’s a new term. A new year.

A brand new you.

Let’s make this the best year you can possibly imagine!

Join us now and I promise you are going to love it!

Be genki,


P.S. And of course for VIPs we have something extra special for you at the end of the page…

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!