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Genki English Newsletter August 2006

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1. Game of the Month: Animal Voices
2. Song of the Month: Numbers
3. T-Shirts On Sale Now
4. And Finally...


It's probably a bit too hot for the beach, so here are a few ideas to help you prepare for next year's lessons. Enjoy your holidays when you can!

1. Animal Voices Game

This is a very simple game posted on the Genki English Forum by Gumby.

1. Put the kids in a circle
2. Everyone turns 180 degrees so they are facing outwards.
3. Give each person one mini card
4. Everyone looks at their own card.
5. Run around the circle and quietly check that everyone can say the noise of the animal on the card.
6. The kids put their card to their chest and cover it with their hands. If anyone else sees your card, you are out.
7. The teacher says "Go!"
8. The kids shout out the noise of their animal. They are looking to make groups with the same animal.
9. When you find your partner, you sit down.
10. How long will it take for everyone to sit down?

If the kids show their card to anyone, they are out. Similarly, any Japanese ( or the kids native language ) and it's start again time!
For 30 kids, have 3 copies each of 10 different cards. For 8 kids, have 2 copies of 4 different cards etc.

Using the game for animals' voices ( incredibly popular with the kids), isn't the most useful English, but you can use it for any other theme e.g. Sports or Where do you live? where the kids run around shouting "I live near the ..." or "I play ...". That gives them a lot more English practise. Just make sure they run around all the time with their hands covering their card!

There are more ideas and resources on the forum at:

2. Numbers Song + Picture Cards

Numbers seem to be ever popular requests on the site, so I've collated together all the numbers games, songs and teaching hints on one page at: http://genkienglish.net/numbers.htm

I've also uploaded an English version of the Hip Hop Numbers song. The original version, for learning Japanese, has been a huge hit, so I flipped the language and put this version on the site. It's not the most exciting Genki English song ever, but it may prove useful.

Much, much more useful though are 12 very big, bright, colourful and genki numbers A4 flashcards and mini cards. Cue lots of "ooo, cute"s from your kids.


3. Genki English T- Shirts - on sale now

You've been asking for ages, and we've found some more Genki English T-shirts. They're in lots of colours and sizes, but we only have one box full, so get your order in soon.


4. And finally...

Some other big updates to the site are Japanese translations of many of the Readers' Games. These should prove very useful for lesson planning, simply print off the Japanese to help with communicating with the class teacher.

You might also have noticed on my blog about the discount Apple are giving members of the JET programme, 7% off iPods and 10% off some laptops. The details are here: http://genkienglish.net/richardsdiary.htm

Another game idea I had this week was to give kids cards from 1-9. They shout out "What's your telephone number?" in a style something like the Mingle chant ( http://genkienglish.net/mingle.htm ). Then you shout out "4,3,6,7,1,8,2,5,9" etc. and the kids have to line up in that order. Simple & fun. It's probably best to write down 2 or 3 sets of numbers on a piece of paper so you don't say the same number twice!

Be genki,


Richard J. Graham
The Easy way to Teach.
Primary School English Games, Songs and Activities

"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time." - Sir John Lubbock

And if you like the ideas in this newsletter, please feel free to pass it along to your friends!

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