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1. Genki English on iTunes! Can you help?
2. B&W Mini Cards Book
3. Halloween Song
4. Halloween Game
5. Halloween Picture Cards Offer ( till Oct 31st)
6. And Finally...
This month certainly has been exciting, with lots of new things happening
that should bring a little extra sparkle to your lessons! First of all
I've got a special favour to ask and then there's the big news of the month...
1. Genki English on iTunes! Can you help?
The great news this month is that Apple have put the new Genki English
Songs in the iTunes store. But even better than that, it's as a free "podcast".
( A podcast basically means it's really easy to copy across to an ipod
or mp3 player.)
What I'd really like to do though is to get it into the iTunes Top 10,
and for that I need your help! The songs are the new High School / Adults
songs, and I've also recorded new introductions and explanations in Japanese,
which makes it a really great resource. So what I'd like you to do is to
tell everyone you know to go and download it, it's free after all! You
can do that by going to the iTunes store and searching for "GenkiEnglish"
( without the spaces), or searching for "eikaiwa" ( in kanji)
or from the link below:
If it makes it into the Top 10 then hopefully lots of people will start
talking about it. And if more people get to know about Genki English that
means I can spend less time advertising the site, and more time making
really cool stuff to help your lessons. So please tell as many people as
you can to get it into the charts, this could be really exciting!
2. Black and White Mini Cards Book
The other big news this month is a big book of Black & White mini cards
for nearly all the Genki English themes ( plus a few bonus ones). It's
printed on fantastic glossy paper, with 54 pages of cards, and a page full
of game ideas. As the cards are black and white, they are easy to make
copies of for students and they can have lots of fun colouring them in.
On the site you can see a set of example pages at :
Or if you'd like to order yours now, there are several ways:
* If you live in Japan, click to order for 1,570 yen + post & packing :
* If you live outside Japan you can order it by credit card for $13.50
US + post & packing:
* If you don't want the printed version, you can get the pdf download version
for only $13.50 ( no post & packing ) at
Or if you order the 5 CD Set or Superpack this month, we'll give you a
copy of the book as a special present!
3. Hallowe'en Song
October in English lessons usually means one thing: Halloween. To make
things a little easier for you, by popular request, there is now a Genki
English Halloween song, featuring 8 very useful bits of Halloween vocab
and a cool middle bit where the kids all start screaming. Lots of fun!
If you have the 5 CD Set or Superpack ( ) you can download the song and picture cards straight away from:
Or if you don't have the Genki English CDs yet, you can download this song
as an mp3 file along with the Easter song and all the A4 picture cards
and colour mini cards for both themes, for only $5.49 US.
4. Halloween Game
There's a full page of Halloween activity ideas on the site at ( ) along with some "spot the difference" games ( ). But my favourite Halloween game is a simplified version of the Harry
Potter Game:
1. Split the kids into 3 groups
2. Two groups become Harry Potters and run away.
3. The other group become Voldemorts.
4. The Voldemorts hold up their hand and index finger in the air as a Wand.
( This lets everyone see who is a Voldemort).
5. The Voldemorts chase after the Harry Potters.
6. If the Voldemorts tag a Harry Potter, the Harry Potter freezes and the
Voldemort casts a spell on them by saying one of the Halloween words from
the song.
7. On the spot, the Harry Potter has to become this word, e.g. they mime
a bat or mummy or vampire, whatever they have been cast with.
8. If a free Harry Potter says "hello" to a spellbound Harry Potter, and he/she can reply " I'm a" + the name of the word they are miming they become free and can run around.
9. If all the Harry Potters have become spellbound Voldemort has won and
the World is doomed to darkness!
It's a very cool game, and works great with the song above!
5. Halloween Picture Cards offer
Seeing as it as Halloween and that we're generous types over here at Genki
English, if you order the Laminated Picture Card Pack before October 31st,
we'll include the Hallowe'en cards for free. And maybe the Under the Sea
cards as well!
6. And Finally...
This week I'm doing workshops and demo classes to 5 very small schools
in Hiroshima, then a demo lesson for 1,000 kids in Okayama, it should be
fun! There are also teacher workshops in Korea in November, and Germany
in December, so keep tuned for more information! And please help with the
iTunes chart - Genki English at No.1, that would be so cool!
Be genki,
Richard J. Graham
Primary School English Games, Songs and Activities
Q: Why did Dracula have to see the doctor?
A: To cure his coffin
And if you like the ideas in this newsletter, please feel free to pass
it along to your friends!
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