Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Fancy learning a little Spanish? Here’s the new Genki Spanish site full of games to learn Spanish for free. Please tell all your friends about i...

I’ve got a free eBook for you today. (eBooks are basically “pdf” files you can read on your computer or print out as nicely formatte...

A little while back Wired Magazine had an interesting article: How English Is Evolving Into a Language We May Not Even Understand. It’s all abou...

Mr Monkey’s Magic Corner was really popular last year, and I’ve been looking for other ideas to use in class. Even just one good magic tri...

“Losing just means try again!” is one of the most powerful things you can teach your students. Here’s an email from Todd, who very k...

Apologies for another Japan themed post, but this song is coming to every other country pretty soon… If you’re wondering what that song is...