Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Another video for you today, ย this time just how exactly do you start a Genki English class for the very first time? I go through some of my top tips...

I hope you are having a great week back at school. Most of the time I try and answer the questions that teachers just like you send in to me everyday....

Are you wanting a waiting list of new students stretching out the door? Or maybe you are wanting that dream school to call you back for the second int...

With all the Genki languages that we offer, Korean is by far the most popular. ย ( Yep, more popular than Chinese, Spanish, German or Japanese!) And j...

I’m just about to head into a big 3 day conference in Arizona. ย And I seem to have quite a few people asking about icebreaker ideas this week. ...

Think the title says it all…. Just waiting for Apple to approve a brand new homework app for the Genki Phonics program. Results are looking real...