Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Over in the Teacher Training Academy we’re getting to see so many amazing teaching ideas. One of the great ones, broadcast LIVE from Italy, was ...

I was looking after my niece today and she and my brother were playing “Higs & Snabbits” ย – basically to make up as many crazy ...

The theory goes that if you fill your head with fun & positivity, that’s what you’ll get more of in your life. ย  ย So let’s cut...

With all the talk of the modern classroom, there is one technology above all else that is favored in the education community. Teachers love it. Parent...

Evita wrote in to ask: Hello!!! Oh, I love everything about your work!!!! Is there a time that you feel 100% sure that you’re doing a good job a...

It’s not just language teaching, see my approach to Extreme Language Learning, with lots of stories I’ve never shared before, ย in this vi...