They’re going away in ….

( or VIP members click the big pictures below!)
When I was at school I found it sooooooo boring!
And that’s why I started Genki English, because I was seeing so many bored kids – and teachers! – and thought “Hang on, surely there’s got to be a way to make this actually FUN and also get better results at the end of the day.”
Luckily, and thanks to a lot of amazing teachers just like you, we’ve managed to transform language learning for millions of students around the world in almost every country, from India to Africa from the Americas to Europe and Asia.
But of course the mission still isn’t complete, there are still far too many kids suffering through horrible boring lessons.
So we need YOU!
And ….. I also know that it’s quite scary to buy the Teacher’s Set & start teaching in such a new and innovative way.
“What if the kids get too crazy?”
“What if my boss doesn’t like it?”
“How will I find the time to learn all of this!”
and of course “How much will this cost me to get started?”
So seeing as Black Friday Weekend seems to be quite a big event these days, I figured it might just be the day to get these problems out of the way so you can join us too! Now normally these are part of my much bigger, and much more expensive programs, so today is the best value time to make the leap! 🙂
So …. awesome bonus number 1: You want kids loving class AND totally under control? You got it 🙂
Many of you have asked for more and more discipline techniques, to get all your kids loving the English AND listening to what you say.
So when you buy the Teacher’s Set this weekend you can come back here & get my complete Discipline Video Training Module – it’s 40 minutes and it will only be online for you this weekend! ( Think of it like a movie with a limited time run!)
You’ll learn all my top techniques, all the ones I’ve learnt over the years, to get your students loving classes and also behaving like perfect angels. 🙂 Plus special live videos of how to use body language, empathy and getting kids quiet – without needing to say “shhhhhh!” 🙂 This Module is usually part of my $2000 Teacher Training Academy, but you get it here this weekend for free.
So ….. you get the full Genki English Teacher’s Set – everything you need to teach Genki English.
And this weekend only you get my full Discipline video training module.
Which is pretty cool, yeah?
So ….. Bonus Number 2: The next question that comes up is …. the cost! Let’s get that sorted for you 🙂
When I asked on Facebook this week there were a LOT of you who would love to join us too but the only thing stopping you from joining is the price.
You love the set. You know it’s going to be awesome for you and your students.
You know it’s going to be great value and you know you’ll earn so much more back with the time it will save and the extra students you’ll get, but you still can’t justify the money right now.
And I totally get it – so two things.
First is that I’ve set up an “Installment Plan” so that instead of the full price you can simply pay $89 per month spread over 6 months.
That’s just $89 per month to get over 120 Harvard Researched lessons, certified up to A1/A2 level, all done for you with amazing lesson plans and all the tools you need.
But…. what if you aren’t earning, or don’t want to pay, $89 per month just yet?
Well …. as it’s Black Friday and as we’re supposed to do crazy offers…..
I want to make it so that using Genki English ends up costing you nothing!
In fact I want it to make you so much extra money that it ends up paying for your kids’ Christmas presents too!
So just how do I do that?
With this ….

Now this isn’t some “get rich quick” scheme. And it’s not something that you’re going to achieve over night.
It’s a very special pdf report and video mini series that shows you:
- all the top techniques that professionals use to gain extra students
- how to get students paying you what you are truly worth
- and how to protect your free time and your family time.
All the while enjoying teaching English.
And of course you don’t need to use all of these at once.
It’s all Baby Steps.
The idea is that you’ll start putting these ideas into practice and first of all aim to get back the money you paid for the Teacher’s Set.
Then try a few more ideas and be able to afford those Christmas presents for the family.
And then once you’ve figured out how that works it’s time to start thinking BIG!
Can *you* earn an extra $72,000 teaching English? Maybe, maybe not.
Can *you* earn an extra few $100 or $1000 using these ideas? I’m pretty sure of it 🙂
Plus it’s all guaranteed for 30 Days. If you find the Teacher’s Set doesn’t bring you AMAZING results for your kids – just send me an email and you’ll get your money back!
Ninja Tip: Of course if you’re not the sort of person who takes action or you don’t want to do great lessons for amazing students then it probably isn’t for you 🙂
So ….. you get the full Genki English Teacher’s Set – everything you need to teach Genki English.
You get my full Discipline video training module.
And the “How to earn a fantastic living teaching English” ebook and mini video series.
You’re all good and ready to go!

Wait…. you want more?
OK, so I asked on Facebook what extra bonus would make this a total “no brainer” And Laura wrote….

….. and I must be crazy here, so…… OK the first 20 of you who buy the Teacher’s Set today with all the bonuses above, I’ll also give you a private “hot seat” Skype call. Yep, I’ll get on Skype with you and for 20 minutes you can pick my brain on exactly how to use Genki English for you and your school. Ask me all the teaching (or business) questions you like. Usually my Skype coaching programs are $2997 so be sure to prepare lots of questions to take full advantage!
So ….
You get the full Genki English Teacher’s Set – everything you need to teach Genki English.
You get my “How to earn a fantastic living teaching English” ebook and mini video series.
You get my Discipline video training.
And, if you act very quickly, you get a 20 minute Skype coaching call with me. Update: The Skype calls are now sold out!
Wow. I think I must be crazy offering all that! But it’s only for this weekend! Everything is back to normal on Monday!
So what do you have to do to get this?
Very simple.
- Buy the Teacher’s Set right now. Or in 6 monthly payment plan (Or Click here if you want to see exactly what’s in it)
- Come back here and click this link to download your “Earn a Fantastic Living” mini course ( Yes, you need to buy the Teacher’s Set first 🙂 ) and here for your Discipline Video and we’ll be in touch for your Skype call.
- Enjoy like crazy! 🙂
That’s it.
Oh, except you have to get in this weekend. The whole deal comes down midnight at Monday – otherwise it’d be far too crazy!
All you need now is your passion to teach and YOU are going to have an AMAZING end to 2018!!!
Be genki,
P.S. Existing VIP members can of course click the links above to get the first two bonuses too. But don’t be too greedy with the money one, we don’t want you earning too much extra money with Genki English!! 🙂
P.P.S. Quite a few people have said that it’s not the money, the biggest problem is that you have no time! I totally get this too, & I’ve got you covered 🙂 In the mini course I show you exactly how to schedule your lessons so you get your family and own time FIRST. Plus I even show you how to get 2 months a year vacation – with your students loving you for it. Now what’s not to like about that? 🙂
P.P.P.S. Summary: It’s Black Friday, buy the Teacher’s Set, get LOTS of amazing bonuses. 🙂 And to get them you have just …

I bought the T-Set on Thursday. Do I get the discipline & $72,000 bonuses?
Yes you do!! Just click the links above! And you also got one of the skype calls – shoot me an email and we can organize the time!