Please comment! + New design


I’ve just upgraded the blog design, what do you think?

And I’ve also enabled comments, so you’ll be able to give feedback and make requests right here on the blog.Β  You don’t need to log in to comment, so please have a try!

be genki,


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

11 Responses to “Please comment! + New design”

  1. GenkiFan1

    Like the new design!

  2. Margit

    Surprised about the simple design; it’s very different from before, so my eyes need to get used. But I like it.
    More than that I’m really happy that I can leave comments here right away.!

  3. Julian-k

    The new design’s cool, but being able to comment is great! Reading this blog, i always have a hundred questions that don’t seem appropriate to send as emails (for example of the top of my head, somewhere you wrote “don’t watch soaps – spend the time reading good books instead.” As someone who reads allot, im always interested in what good books really inspire people – including yourself!). Im agreeing with the above too – it’s going to take my eyes to get used to the subdued coloring!!

  4. richard

    Funnily enough, tomorrow’s post is about a book!

  5. Carol

    Wow what a change! I really like the format and the ability to comment but I miss your picture Richard (how about a new one?) and the white sides just seem too empty! Maybe I just need to get used to it… I do like the subdued colors for the blog itself.

  6. Stuart M.

    Oh, you have a blog too? I didn’t know that. I have been following your many interesting experiences via e-mail transmission. Now I will have to look at this blog too? When will I find time to read any books???

  7. richard

    And there are 4 years of archives to catch up on as well! πŸ™‚

  8. Gillian Lethuillier

    Hello Richard and fellow teachers,
    well I’m afraid I didn’t know that you had a blog too, what a good idea. I always read the emails and find that they’re usually very helpful. I like the game What can you see ? I’m sure that I’ll use it as it’s always a challenge learning the names of the children in a new class, but surely to be grammatically correct it should be Who can you see ? I love the way you say be genki at the end of every letter too!
    So be genki
    Gill from France

  9. richard

    Gillian: You know what, until you wrote this message I never even noticed about the “who/what”. I guess it shows I shouldn’t pick up ideas from workshops in Japan!

  10. cesar

    Love it! You are always pushing me to keep up with you! I love it! Don7t ever slow down!

  11. mjesusra

    I really love it! It’s clear and funny. I think it’s good its new look and design.

    I love this space so much. Usually, I find some useful tips for my English class, and also resources! Great job! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

    From Spain,


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