Thank you for all your help yesterday – “Cowculator” seems to be the winner by quite a margin!! π
So here, by popular request, are the mini cards for the new vol. 15 beta test lessons!

The themes are:
- She is / He is …. appearances
- Do you …. + verbs
- Did I …. verbs
- Future tense I’ll ….
Once they are tested the songs will be released as a paid for upgrade. Β Right now you can get the “sneak peak” versions for free with the Teacher’s Set, Β the vol. 14 upgradeΒ or here if you already have vol. 14!
The themes are still in testing right now so keep your feedback from your students coming and hopefully we can get them finished ASAP!
And if the feedback and testing all goes well, Β we’re aiming to get them into the students sets in time for the new term in September!
Be genki,
P.S. Β And here is the vol. 15 workbook – enjoy!

P.PS. Β And, due to popular request, Β the A4 cards too!