I want to be …. because I think …

justicethinkJustice in Beijing has just sent in this great book to link in several themes.

For example it starts off with “What do you want to be?”  then adds in “I want to be ….. beacuse ….”  e.g. I want to be a baker because I like to eat cookies and cake!

There are also pages with other occupations from the Photo Real Flashcards

Then Justice adds in “What do you think of …?” to ask what kids think about different jobs.

It’s a very nice progression and I’m sure it’s going to give you lots of ideas on how to combine themes!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

5 Responses to “I want to be …. because I think …”

  1. Margit

    THIS is Just what I needed!!!
    I was thinking about posting something on the Forum to get ideas for my 10 year olds.
    I finally finished all of the GE topics with them, and I’ve started struggling about how to go on with them.
    As they LOVE GE songs and topics, my conclusioon was to find a better way to link topics.
    Thank you so much.
    This will make my week much easier!!!!

  2. Margit

    Sorry, one more request; don’t know wether it will find more readers here or on the Forum.
    What activities and games can you recommend with these linked topics.

    Right now I’m very uncreative and the only thing coming to my mind is the “I like pink fish” or “I’m a … but I want to be a >>>” or Jeopardy
    This game could be played with any kind of linkings.
    But is there anything else, More Genki Style?

  3. Lines

    It’s great, thank you. I’m so tired, that I said thank you to Richard for the book, but I don’t know were I wrote it, so thank you very much Richard.
    Margit,another activity we can do in a genki way is to give the pupils the song with some mistakes they have to correct when they listen or give them the song with gaps they have to fill them without looking at it. Another activity we can give a sentence( of a song) to each child and in groups they have to order it when they listen the song.
    It’s very hot in my town now, so they like to be on the floor putting the lines in order, or they can glue it on the wall.
    I also take all the flash cards and put them on my table, one child pick up one ( nobody can’t see it) and he/she mime what it is, the child who guess pick up another…

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