“Half” Homework Packs Option – And getting you waiting lists! :)

Update:  This experiment didn’t work,  the parents all wanted to just go for the full pack from the start.  Much less hassle apparently! (I guess just like Pokemon, they wanted to collect them all 🙂 ) 



I hope you’ve been enjoying all the new materials and thanks for all the great comments! 🙂

With the new term a few teachers have asked if it’s possible to do a “half” homework pack with say just the themes for one year that you can sell to the parents.

With the full homework pack now being over 100 themes at a retail price of US$279 ( 199 Euros)  it seemed quite a legitimate thing to do.

So we’ve been conducting a few experiments in a few countries and it seems to be working quite well so far.

So I’m quite happy to expand this out and offer it to a few more VIP teachers if you’d like.

There is a waiting list though so only get in touch if you’re serious about it (using this form) , and I’ll only be doing these for the next few weeks – it does take me quite a while to set each one up!

You choose the (upto) 30 themes you’d like, send the list to me along with your school logo and we’ll get you all the permissions you need to sell the material on USB sticks to your parents.   So far we’ve been looking at having around 30 themes and a price point of US$97 (69 Euro),  half of which you keep, half you send to me.

Ninja Tip:  Make sure you also offer the regular full pack for $279 too, offering the option helps you get over price anxiety as the parents see the two options.  But … in many cases the parents have actually asked to have everything in one go, which makes things easier all round!  

Ninja Tip 2:  Set each lesson as homework *before* you do it in class.  That way the kids come to class already knowing the English and you just practice how to use it. It speeds up your lessons no end, which is of course fabulous for all that word of mouth marketing that the parents tell each other.   You can use the homework calendars to help:

My aim is to have you so full of students that you need to make waiting lists!

As I say this does take me a little time to set up so do let me know as soon as you can and then I can get back to making funky new materials for you!  I think you’re going to love it though!

Be genki,


P.S.  This new way also works really well if you are teaching alongside an existing textbook or government curriculum as you can choose which themes best compliment the curriculum you are teaching to get a really personalised version of Genki English!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

4 Responses to ““Half” Homework Packs Option – And getting you waiting lists! :)”

  1. Leigh Abbott

    I love this style Graham!!
    Absolutely interchangeable and flexible to the curriculum!!
    We’ll send you a list soon!

  2. Julia

    None of the authors is so interested in teachers’ success like you, Richard! Thank you very much!!

    I’m thinking of the list. It’ll be a very nice offer for the parents who are already asking for such support.
    Some of them are also asking for an MP3 pack. What can be done for them?

  3. Richard

    Hi Julia, I’ve been putting mp3s in for those teachers who ask! 🙂

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