Africa Day 1 – First Impressions

So today I was travelling off for my first ever workshops in  Africa.

I planned to arrive a couple of days early with my brother as a little adventure, but he got sick so couldn’t come. I was a bit sad about that.

Eventually, after lots of flight delays, I made it.

A lot of people think Africa is dusty and arid. But down here it is lush and green. It is really fantastic from the air.

Then I got across to Mafia Island, where I’ll be doing the Genki English training, and things are really old school. It’s like Thailand or South East Asia but one step behind with silt streets and open air shops selling bottles of water and lots of mobile phones. You can certainly see how mobiles have revolutionized Africa.

People seem generally friendly with lots of shouts of “Mambo!” and walking around the village just feels like a movie set.

I’m staying in a nice place, but it is very basic. Plus it is hard getting back to all the stuff like mosquito nets, hiding money away in lots of pockets, and haggling over taxi tips!

It is amazing to think though that exactly one week ago I was at a Black Tie New Year Gala in Edinburgh, staying at a hotel overlooking the castle, and now this week I’m in a thatched hut in Africa with no bathroom and not even electricity! (I wonder if I’m getting a little too old for this!?)

Tomorrow I’ll meet up with some of the organisers so let’s see what happens…

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

7 Responses to “Africa Day 1 – First Impressions”

  1. Dillon Frost

    Wow, very interesting how you said that last week you were all dressed up and this week you were battling bugs in Africa!

    I tend to stick to where I live in Poland for teaching English (I have roots here now….she’s 2 months old!) One day I would like to travel a bit farther away (maybe when on holiday) to do some teaching in a different country for a bit.

    Keep up the good work, it inspires me {:-)

    Dillon (Poland)

  2. Cyprian

    Nice to hear you went to Africa.
    I’m from Africa and have learned a lot from Genkienglish. The point I’ll like to make is Africa is a continent made up of 54 countries. So, did you go but to South Africa or to which of the African countries.
    Happy New Year. (Happy Year of the Dragon)
    Cyprian fron China

  3. Julia

    Hi Richard!

    It’s an AMAZING beginning of your African story! I enjoyed it so much!

    Can’t wait for the next part! Hope you won’t have been eaten up neither by mosquitoes nor by any other African animals. 🙂

  4. Margit

    @I wonder if I’m getting a little too old for this!?)

    How nice to hear this from your side!!!

    Well, but congratulations on this trip. The pictures look so nice, could be a lonely island of Okinawa like this.

    Looking forward to all your reports!

  5. Lines

    Wow, Richard I envy you because you are one of the most interesting and brave people all over the wold.
    “Out of Africa” is one of my favourite films.
    Thank you very much for your nice pictures and trip.
    I’m sorry for your brother. May be he could meet you later.
    I wish you the best with the workshop in Africa.

  6. AndyB

    They’re probably shouting Jambo = Hello!!

  7. richard

    Mambo’s the less formal version. Jambo requires a whole complex way of answering!! 🙂

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