Amazing New Animals Picture Book


Thanks to the geniusย inspiration of Nigel, here is the latest Genki English Picture Book.

It is seriously like no other picture book you’ve ever tried before and your kids are going to love it!

1. Split up the kids into the animals as you read it out.

2. Watch them go crazy at the end!

I couldn’t get permission for the kids videos, but check out some of the teachers in Nagoya from last year!

The Picture Book is in the Animals lesson of the Teacher’s Set or you can get the pdf version below!


Do let us know what you think in the comments!

Be genki,


P.S. ย Because the kids are doing lots of the talking in this book – and hence you need a lot of extra space for all the laughing! – I didn’t add in the voices in the software version. ย Is that OK? ย Do let me know in the comments!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

14 Responses to “Amazing New Animals Picture Book”

  1. Mark Armstrong

    Is anyone else have trouble downloading the file? It keeps saying, “Failed – Needs authorization.”

  2. Richard Graham

    Hi Mark,

    It looks OK, usually you just need your regular VIP details. Anyone else got the problem?

  3. Margit

    Oh man!!! I thought you had thrown this video out a long time ago. This was too funny!
    Great to finally have the book. I am scared though to update, as I am afraid I might mess my software up again!

  4. Richard Graham

    @Margit: Make a backup first and you’ll be fine, it’s just one file! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Or just use the pdf!

  5. Fanitsa

    Hi Richard this could be fun for summer camp. Could you tell me where the pdf. file can be downloaded? I can’t seem to find it!

  6. Julia

    That was such a fun watching the video. I really got an effect of presence.
    And the book is just super! I’m going to use it straight away!

  7. Martin

    Hmm…the voices on the software are good for the kids to listen to the story.

  8. Tony

    For those getting the ‘needs authorisation’ error. First, left click the link…the .swf will open in your browser and you’ll be asked for your V.I.P. login…now you’re logged in! Use back on your browser to get back to the Genki site and right click and save the file! Works on Chrome anyway!

  9. Richard Graham

    Thanks Tony and Julia!

    @Martin: Yeah, that’s what I like to do. Maybe having an option is one way to go!

  10. Martin

    Yeah, having two versions is really great. It is nice to have one WITHOUT the voice (I know you can’t mute each page, but that takes a little work, haha) so that the kids can tell the story themselves or read even (I suppose this can be achieved with the PDF version.

    It is also really great having a voiced version, so the kids can listen to the story whenever they want. Cool story…I feel like I saw this before (must have been in the VIP Forums).

  11. rosie

    Hi! Richard,
    How can I get the VIP member? Thanks!

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