🎢 Attracting students on social media is a roller coaster!
Somethings hit and some really flop!
But that’s cool, it’s all part of the game, just take a look at the huge variation in my Tik Tok numbers above 👆!
Of course don’t take things personally, they’re just numbers (and I’m quite ok with the genki materials being more popular than videos of me 😁 )
The key, of course, is to keep trying different things whilst always keeping an eye on your goal, the people you want to help and the results.
The algorithm is changing daily, so ride the wave of what works and keep trying new things that might get picked up tomorrow.
Yes, it kind of is like a lottery but if you have the right platform the odds are stacked in your favour.
Keep going and enjoy the ride because apart from word of mouth (which is always the best form of marketing!) it’s the second best option for you to get more students and build your teaching empire!
Be genki,
P.S. If you’re just getting started with attracting students on Social Media, check out the 🍿 How I Got Millions of Views on YouTube & Tik Tok And How *You* Can Get New Students Using Social Media course which is included with the Teacher’s Set Superpack. Or if you are more advanced, check out my full social media training as part of the Double Your Teaching Income Genki Business Course.