The final chance to ask me questions this season!
It’s the final teaching Q&A session! ย Enjoy! ๐’s the final teaching Q&A session! ย Enjoy! ๐ just wrote in to ask: Is there any chance for a burnt out teacher to “resurrect”? What should be done to enable this resurrection? ๐ Hi Olga, Very good question! Yes there is indeed ๐ First step is to take a holiday. Either a full week away. Or just a Saturday afternoon pampering… just sent out an email asking if anyone would be interested in training videos to go with the Teacher’s Set. The most popular request by far was for mini videos on how to teach every part of the lesson. ย So here you go! Then the next most popular request was for a full,… of people have been writing in to ask how they can use Genki English on even more machines in their school. 1. For one solo teacher ๐ฉโ๐ซ you need the Teacher’s Set … Theย Teacher’s Set comes with a license to use on one machine at a time. ย i.e. it’s designed for one teacher…, games, games, ย they are one of the three fundamental parts of an English lessonย and I know many of you are wanting even more. They simulate real life conversions, ย they involve *all* the students, they give you that super adrenaline kick plus you learn how to work together to push through to the next level…. always pays to review what actually happens when we learn something new. Very often it can be easy to just stick to the “easy” without thinking about why or how. ย So as I was in the forest today I made this quick video ๐