Author Archives: Richard Graham

Where to start teaching English?

There is a lot of stuff out there and one of the most popular questions I’ve had this week is “Just where do I start teaching English?” So you’ve got two options here: Option 1: Β Read through every single lesson plan, watch every single video, download every flashcard in every size and all the bonus…

Why do entertainers get paid so much more than educators?

Have you ever wondered why entertainers like movie stars or rock stars can earn hundreds of millions of dollars per year, Β but the best paid English teachers in the world only earn a few hundred thousand or just a few million dollars per year? The reason is: Β State Change. People love people who can change…

OK, so this proved a little controversial….

Yesterday I posted a quote up on Facebook for International Women’s Day: I didn’t think it needed any explanation, Β but it looks like it did …. Β so here we go πŸ™‚ EDIT: One more piece of info, Β although many teachers often use Genki English in the the US or UK I don’t usually work on…

Other Teachers’ Tips on How they got their first students

Previously I’ve shared with you how I got my first students. And today on Facebook I put up a similar question There are some amazing answers in the comments! Thanks to everyone who wrote in with great comments, Β please do share your own answers and if you are struggling to find those elusive first few,…

Try not to confuse age with experience or ….. “How to teach English to children of different ages”

One of the big requests I got last week on the “What would you like to see in a “How to teach children English” course?” Β was “How to teach English to children of different ages” I think this is the wrong question to ask πŸ™‚ The short answer is: You don’t teach them any differently….