Author Archives: Richard Graham

Free “How to teach English” Workshop Part 2

It always amazes me how much reaction these videos get. ย So thank you everyone! To celebrate the launch of theย Teacher Training Academy, ย I just re-opened my free video training series. ย  Itโ€™s only open for a few days so share, comment & enjoy! Yesterday we had Part 1 ย and today is Part 2:ย Chaos to Awesome…

Free “How to teach English” Workshop Video 1

Just in case you’re wanting some more video training, and to celebrate the launch of the Teacher Training Academy, ย I just re-opened my free video training series. ย  It’s only open for a few days so share, comment & enjoy!

The 21 Day “Be an AWESOME Teacher” challenge!

You are amazing. ย No doubt about it. And to help you to be even more Awesome here is the full 21 Days of the “Be an AWESOME teacher” challenge. Grab a coffee, ย take lots of notes and if you want to learn more from me, ย my Teacher Training Academy might be open for you right…

All these VIP goodies for you ….

A huge, huge welcome to all the new VIP members this month – you are awesome!!! And for all of you who haven’t joined yet, ย do it now!ย – right now you get free lifetime access with the Teacher’s Set.ย  If you haven’t got the money, ย get your school to buy, or just see it as…

Day 21 of the 21 Day “Be an even better teacher” Challenge – you are AWESOME!

Day 21: The FINAL Day of the 21 Day “Be an even better teacher” Challenge – you have been AWESOME!!! Check out more on theย GenkiEnglish.comย website! The Teacher Training Academy will be open soon and the Teacher’s Set is ready for you right now!

Day 20: RE-FRAMING – the key to solving ALL your teaching (or life!) problems.

Day 20: REFRAMING – the key to solving ALL your teaching (or life!) problems. 21 Day “How to be an even better teacher” Challenge Day 20 – wow! So … for those of you who are playing this at the top level, let me know how YOU are REFRAMING your problems in the comments! Be…